Sana Institute of Health
Sana Institute of Health
Sana Institute of Health

Introducing the Research Institute

The country's poultry industry provides 47 percent (34 percent chicken meat and 13 percent eggs) of animal protein sources in the household consumption basket. In addition to affecting the country's economy, this industry plays a significant role in the health of the community.
Considering the position of this industry in the development of the country and providing part of the household basket as well as job creation, at the same time, this industry is exposed to threatening factors caused by numerous factors, including pathogens such as various viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, metabolic and nutritional diseases. In this regard, the Sana Darman Health and Diseases Research Institute and its subordinate research groups aim to reduce the amount of damage caused by pathogens in this industry (reduction in production or losses due to casualties) and play an effective role in the country's food security through applied research and with appropriate facilities and close ties with industry and universities, having appropriate laboratory-research equipment and expert personnel.